Becoming Superhuman

Within a blink of an eye our lives have changed! Traveling back in time, say even 20 years with the latest iPhone, wearable and VR set would make me seem alien ‘like’ to my old generational self. Travel back without these items and try your best to spot me in the crowd.

At the core we are human and we must not lose sight of this. The mind and body connect being an integral part to our very being. To keep the mind fresh and rejuvenated in a state of calm while promoting the bodily needs. Though saying this and with all these new innovative technologies available and in the pipeline, there is room to become SUPERHUMAN. What does this mean and what relevance does this have to this blog? Being able to track and record progress of my bodily functions on a day to day basis and how that associates with my workout routine, lifestyle and overall well-being is priceless! Something my old generational self would never be able to comprehend. 

The most current Statista report on digital fitness and well-being apps/devices showcases a 45% penetration rate in 2022 and 55% plus by 2026 in the USA. The demand to become SUPERHUMAN is in full effect! 

So to all you fitness brands, brick and mortars, studios, boutiques and digital only providers….what are you doing to incorporate these new innovations into your offerings?

Live classes, 2-way video, studio player, wearable connectivity, AI motion detection and biomarker scanning has become more of a familiarity with the fitness community. The omnichannel strategy is here to stay and the innovative features are leading the way.

The omnichannel approach shall only enhance the members experience, increase retention/ROI and drive more members into the club while utilizing these technologies to full effect. 
There has never been a better time to invest! So what are you waiting for?

by Alan Critchley


Go Digital Or Go The Way Of The Dinosaurs